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[Greeting the 19th National Congress of CPC] Students from the College Won the First Prize in the Final of “Student Entrepreneurship Cup” 2017 National College Student Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition

Updated:2017-11-08 09:14|Hits:

News Web (Text and photo by Pang Fengquan from College Student KAB Entrepreneurship Club of Public Fundamentals Department) During October 20-22, the Final of “Student Entrepreneurship Cup” 2017 National College Student Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition and National College Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practical Teaching Symposium was held in Hubei University of Economics. There were 105 teams and more than 300 contestants from over 100 colleges throughout the country that participated in the competition. The two teams of universities and vocational colleges competed separately and the team of the College won the first prize of vocational college group.

“Student Entrepreneurship Cup” 2017 National College Student Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition was hosted by economic management discipline team of joint committee of National University Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, of which the purpose was to encourage the college students to carry forward the times spirit, nurture the entrepreneurship awareness, improve entrepreneurship ability, promote the vigorous progress of college employment and entrepreneurship education, identify and train a batch of college students with innovation and entrepreneurship ability. The competition was divided into two stages of provincial selective trial and national final. The dream flying team composed of Pang Fengquan, in Grade 2015 in marketing major, Zhu Gangzhou, in Grade 2016 in hotel management major, and Huang Huazhong, in Grade 2016 in chain operation management major of the College advanced to the final from Guangxi area competition with excellent results, and finally won the first prize of vocational college group in the national final after the fierce competition in the two competition programs of comprehensive simulation of sandbox simulation operation software and excellent entrepreneurship prospectus debate.

“Student Entrepreneurship Cup” was not only the competition for the students, but also the platform to demonstrate the innovation and entrepreneurship tutors. This competition undertook the first national top 10 innovation and entrepreneurship tutor selection, which was hosted by joint committee of National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. After the recommendation soliciting, result display, online voting, and expert evaluation for 10 months, Professor Xu Ming, the leader of employment and entrepreneurship team of Public Fundamentals of the College and the tutor for College Student KAB Entrepreneurship Club stood out from the 46 candidate teachers throughout the country, won the title of national top 10 innovation and entrepreneurship tutor and was appointed as innovation and entrepreneurship tutor by Hangzhou Beiteng technology Co., Ltd.



Awarding Ceremony of 2017 “Student Entrepreneurship Cup” College Student Entrepreneurship 

                                                                               Comprehensive Simulation Competition


Professor Xu Ming (4th from right) won the title of national top 10 innovation and entrepreneurship tutor



Competition Team of the College


Students and Teachers Participating in the Competition



Certificate of Honor of “Top 10 Entrepreneurship Tutor”