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Vietnamese Education Delegation Visited Our College

Updated:2019-09-29 11:38|Hits:

News from News Center (Text by Qin Jie from College-Enterprise Cooperation Department, Photos by Zhu Jingming from Publicity Department of Party Committee) In the morning of September 21, 2019, 17 guests from the University of Industry-Economics and Technology under Vietnamese Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Quang Nam University, Lang Son Higher Normal School, Nha Trang Tourism College, the Import & Export and Production Promotion Corporation and the Asian Resources Foundation visited the Guantang Campus of our College. Lin Ruosen, Vice President of the College, He Zhizhong, Director of the College-Enterprise Cooperation Department, and Wang Dahong, Party Secretary of School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, warmly welcomed the visitors.

The Vietnamese delegation first visited the Industrial Robot Training Base, Workshop No. 5, AHK Training Center, Institute of Collaborative Innovation and the Vocational Education Exhibition Hall. Wang Dahong gave a detailed introduction on the construction of these sites. The Vietnamese delegation praised the College’s quality education concept, advanced teaching and training conditions and the strong learning atmosphere.

After the site visit, the two sides had an exchange meeting in the T1-D201 conference room. The meeting was hosted by He Zhizhong. At the meeting, the Vietnamese delegation watched the English-subtitle promo video of our College, and got a preliminary understanding of the College’s history, the school characteristics, construction of disciplines, and foreign exchanges and cooperation. Lin Ruosen expressed warm welcome to the Vietnamese delegation. He said that the College on the one hand focuses on strengthening international cooperation and exchanges and actively introducing and absorbing the talent cultivation systems and standards on vocational education from advanced countries; on the other hand, the College also continuously strengthens the cooperation between school and enterprises, strengthens cooperation with renowned enterprises, and establishes training centers and professional qualification certification projects that are compatible with international standards in line with enterprises’ requirements on talent cultivating. He said that LVTC is very willing to share teaching cooperation achievements with fellow schools.

Fan Youyu, President of the University of Industry-Economics and Technology under Vietnamese Ministry of Commerce and Industry, expressed his gratitude for the hospitality of our College. He also expressed appreciation and affirmation of our College’s profound cultural heritage and the gratifying achievements and developments. He said that he was especially impressed by LVTC’s process-based assessment method and the evaluation criteria introduced from Germany. He also introduced the basic situation and school characteristics of his university, and hoped that the two sides would jointly strengthen the cultivation of Chinese and Vietnamese high-level talents in the cultural, educational and economic fields by sending teachers and students to each other for advanced studies.

Nguyen Thị Cuihong, President of Nha Trang Tourism College in Vietnam, expressed her appreciation of LVTC’s high integration of the teaching mode and training facilities with the market and enterprise needs. She pointed out that LVTC has successfully combined theories with practice, and the quality of students and their learning attitudes are also very good. She said that this kind of student training and teaching mode is very worth learning, and she wishes that LVTC’s future will be better and better.

Dr. Niramit Kunanuwat, Chairman of the Asian Resources Foundation, is thankful to have the opportunity to visit and exchange with LVTC. She congratulated LVTC on its outstanding achievements. And she said she was impressed by the practical training environment and the “dual system” teaching mode. She also said that if LVTC has a need, her foundation can provide a lot of resources.

At the end of the exchange meeting, Lin Ruosen said that in the areas of teacher’s training, numerical control, industrial robots, etc., LVTC and Vietnamese universities can carry out in-depth cooperation, and he hopes that both sides enhance mutual understanding, deepen the cooperation, and strengthen the cultivation of high-level Chinese and Vietnamese talents in the cultural, educational and economic fields.



Vietnamese education delegation visited LVTC.


The delegation visited the exhibition hall of School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.


The Delegation visited Workshop No. 5’s Precision Testing Center for Parts.


The delegation visited the Local Development Studio for Robot.


Leaders of LVTC had an exchange meeting with the Vietnamese education delegation.


Dr. Niramit Kunanuwat, Chairman of the Asian Resources Foundation, made a speech.


Fan Youyu, President of the University of Industry-Economics and Technology under Vietnamese Ministry of Commerce and Industry, made a speech.


Nguyen Thị Cuihong, President of Nha Trang Tourism College in Vietnam, made a speech.


Lin Ruosen, Vice President of our College, made a speech