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LVTC’s International Exchange Department, along with Liuzhou Foreign Affairs Office of Guangxi, Visited Consulates General of ASEAN Countries in Nanning

Updated:2021-03-01 15:22|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Zhang Jinyezi from International Exchange Department of LVTC, Photos by Wei Linhua from International Exchange Department of LVTC)On February 2nd and 3rd, 2021, in order to reinforce the cooperation and exchange with the ASEAN countries, Ms. Wei Linhua, the Director of LVTC’s International Exchange Department, and the heads of international exchange departments of other higher vocational colleges in Liuzhou, led by Mr. Pang Zhiyong, the Director, and Mr. Wu Qijun, the Vice Director, of Liuzhou Foreign Affairs Office of Guangxi, visited Royal Thai Consulate General in Nanning, Consulate General of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Nanning, Consulate General of Malaysia in Nanning, Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in Nanning and Royal Cambodia Consulate General in Nanning officially to negotiate cooperation and exchange concerning vocational education.

This negotiation was treated kindly by the Consuls General, Benjamas Tanvetyanont (Royal Thai Consulate General in Nanning), Virasac Somphong (Consulate General of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Nanning), Azlimi Zakaria (Consulate General of Malaysia in Nanning), Hoang Ngoc Vinh (Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in Nanning) and HOY Lena (Royal Cambodia Consulate General in Nanning).

In the negotiation, Ms. Wei Linhua introduced the basic information on LVTC running, achievements in LVTC-enterprises cooperation and in international exchange & cooperation, and detailed work planning on international exchange and cooperation to be launched by LVTC next. The Consuls General were impressed deeply by LVTC’s achievements; among them, the Consuls General of Royal Thai Consulate General in Nanning, Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in Nanning and Royal Cambodia Consulate General in Nanning were profoundly interested in the cooperation between LVTC and LiuGong and other enterprises, and expressed the willing to facilitate the promotion and implementation of LVTC’s international cooperation projects in their countries respectively. The Consuls General of the Consulate General of Malaysia in Nanning and Consulate General of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Nanning stated that they would find the time to pay a visit to LVTC to know more about LVTC and facilitate the cooperation launched between the vocational schools in their countries and LVTC.

Mr. Pang Zhiyong, the Director of Liuzhou Foreign Affairs Office of Guangxi, summarized that cooperation between the schools and the enterprises was the basis for further and stable development of vocational education. WEI Linhua, the Director, extended on behalf of LVTC appreciation to Liuzhou Foreign Affairs Office of Guangxi for organizing the visit to the Consulates General of ASEAN countries, and held the view that this visit would further promote internationalization of vocational education in Liuzhou. She expressed expectations to deepen exchange and cooperation of vocational education between Liuzhou and ASEAN countries with the support of Liuzhou Foreign Affairs Office of Guangxi, thus to make effort to improve international influence of Liuzhou’s vocational education.


Photo with Benjamas Tanvetyanont (the Consul General of Royal Thai Consulate General in Nanning) (4th from left)


Photo of Director Wei Linhua (1st from left) with Virasack Somphong (the Consul General of Consulate General of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Nanning)


Photo with the Consul General of Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (4th from right)


Negotiation with the officers at the Consulate General of Malaysia in Nanning


Director WeiLinhua (2nd from right) presented HOY Lena (the Consul General of Royal Cambodia Consulate General in Nanning) with LVTC’S souvenir