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Good News: School of Finance and Logistics Management Wins First Place in Regional Vocational Skills Competition!

Updated:2022-04-25 15:15|Hits:

Good News: School of Finance and Logistics Management Wins First Place in Regional Vocational Skills Competition!

Source: School of Finance and Logistics Management. Author: Zhou Bing. Senior Editor: Released on: April 25, 2022


From News Center (Text by Zhou Bing, School of Finance and Logistics Management; Photo by Pan Ni, Guo Haohua, and Shi Qin, School of Finance and Logistics Management ) From April 9 to April 21, 2022, the Application of Big Data in Finance”, “Accounting Skills”, “Intelligent Accounting and Taxation”, and “Design and Implementation of Smart Logistics Operation Plan” in the 2022 Guangxi Vocational College Skills Competition hosted by the Department of Education of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region kicked off in Nanning, Guangxi. The School of Finance and Logistics Management of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (LVTC) sent a total of 8 instructors and 16 students to participate in 4 professional core competitions. Despite various difficulties and the intensity of the competition, students fought hard without fear of their rivals. With good psychological quality and theoretical skills, they overcame all the difficulties and finally won a first prize (first place in the region), two second prizes and one third prize.

It was reported that the “Application of Big Data in Finance” competition was held at Guangxi Financial Vocational College on April 21. The competition lasted for one day and consisted of two parts, which were basic skills and hands-on skills in the use of big data in finance. Through the assessment method of “operation + business analysis”, the competition, in the form of a team event, would evaluate students’ performance in the aspects of business problem identification, analysis model design, data collection and cleaning, data mining and modeling, and data visualization, check if students have a hands-on experience of the application of big data in finance in a simulated business scenario, and cultivate their digital awareness and data thinking. Thus, students would be able to discover, analyze and solve financial management problems for enterprises with the help of big data analysis tools. The team sent by LVTC was comprised of two instructors, Pan Ni and Zeng Yangxinyue, and four students — Nong Xiaoyin from Finance Management Class 1 (enrolled in 2020), Huang Cuilian from Finance Management Class 3, and Zhou Wenjun and Huang Jiajie from Accounting Class 3 (enrolled in 2020). After fierce competition, among the 23 strong teams, the students of LVTC, with their strong professional skills and good psychological qualities, took on the challenge calmly and played well, and finally won the championship, winning first place in the region with 429.41 points.

In addition, students from the School of Finance and Logistics Management also gained two second prizes and one third prize in “Accounting Skills”, “Intelligent Accounting and Taxation”, and “Design and Implementation of Smart Logistics Operation Plan”. The excellent results in the four competitions were made possible, on the one hand, by the six-month-long guidance of Pan Ni, Zeng Yangxinyue, Guo Haohua, Li Shangtian, Shi Qin, Xiao Lanlan, Liu Xiaofang, Zhou Liujun and the hard training of the students, and on the other hand, by the great attention of the leaders of LVTC and the comprehensive guidance of the professional team of LVTC.

The excellent results achieved by the students of the School of Finance and Logistics Management in the skills competition showed the effect of teaching reform, comprehensive strength and talent training level of LVTC’s smart accounting and smart logistics, and demonstrated the spirit of LVTC people’s courage and pursuit of excellence, and also provided new ideas for the transformation of big data and accounting, big data and financial management and modern logistics management in the era of the digital economy.



Group photo of participants and instructors in the Application of Big Data in Finance item


Group photo of participants and instructors in the Accounting Skills item


Group photo of participants and instructors in the Intelligent Accounting and Taxation item


Group photo of participants and instructors in the Design and Implementation of Smart Logistics Operation Plan item


School Website Auditor: Lyu Lyu, School of Finance and Logistics Management

College Website Reviewer: Luo Shihua from the Publicity Department of the LVTC Party Committee